Todays World
Humanity has a lot going on at the moment.
The choices and paths we choose to take or accept now, will affect the world we leave for the generations to come.
And that’s not just on a geographical level. This is on an emotional and spiritual level too.
We are being split. There is a divide happening and its being created by fear and manipulation.
All this chaos and unsettledness is an opportunity for incredible unity and change, change for the good. Of course this is arguably what both sides are saying, from their apposing stand points.
Those that are aggressively asserting themselves on their beliefs are doing it from a place of passion on what they believe is the right thing to do.
And these beliefs on what is right/correct is down to what they are reading and hearing and believing to be true.
So here we are. In an exceptionally volatile world full of exceptionally volatile people. Trying to make choices and decisions based on what we can trust, or not, as the case may be.
We have a group of people who are trying to control how certain world situations turn out. These people sit in what are deemed to be quite powerful positions. They are trying to “guide” us, educate us on the truth and facts, they are supposed to support us as a world community and keep the world a safe and functioning place.
I’ve said before that my view on how society operates has been ruined. My trust in our system vanished in an instant.
One could argue that this puts me in a position where my views are affected. Of course. I can’t argue that.
But I don’t think there is a single person who hasn’t had an experience that hasn’t affected the stand point on things in some way. Its human.
But the thing that worries me is the lack of tolerance we seem to have for others who don’t have the same beliefs or thought processes to ours.
It feeds a sense of anger and hatred into the world that sometimes is so thick in the air you can almost taste it.
I think we all know the one particular situation I’m talking about in this. (I’ve never been particularly subtle at anything.)
But I think the thing that worries me is how this leaks into all sorts of other areas in our lives. It starts to impact other situations.
Its Toxic.
Society has become Toxic.
We’ve lost the very essence of what community is.
We aren’t that great at the best of times with “differences”. Whether that’s differences in opinions or differences in people physically.
We are a society that has been built on peoples worth. Which is built on so many variables.
Wealth, success, home, looks, talent. This list is endless but its been innately built in. So much so I don’t think we even notice a lot of the time how our subconscious builds an opinion on someone.
And the saddest thing is that the majority of stuff we calculate into some ones value or worth is actually meaningless.
With the world as it is its becoming more apparent how lost we have become.
And I don’t sit here disregarding myself from this.
I’m including myself. I find myself having an opinion when it is utterly unrequested or even needed.
The awareness though is there, for a lot of us and I hope a shift within this shit show is happening.
I pray that as the opportunity arises for us to re think where we are headed and who we allow at the helm of this change… that we choose love. Love for this world and Love for our neighbours.
It might seem exceptionally idealistic, and perhaps to some it is.
But here’s the thing.. I have a six year old daughter who, regardless of her unconventional physicality and inability to “add value” to society as it expects and wants, radiates and gives love like know other. Without judgement and with total disregard to another’s beliefs or views… And I’ve realised…. That is worth more than anything else we’ve superficially created in this world.
The world needs more of what Niamh is giving.