Minding my own business
Life is a funny old thing.
I’m conscious that my life experiences have set me on a journey that if they hadn’t happened I would probably not be on.
Life events shift perspectives for us. They can place you in a space that otherwise you would not experience. Your awareness changes. You can start to experience life from a very different mindset.
Experiences can change what importance you place on things. Something that for someone else might be a “Big Deal”, to you seems completely Inconsequential.
When you have a lot going on in your own life , you don’t have the time or the capacity to be that interested in any one else’s life.
I don’t mean that in the sense that you don’t care for your friends or family. But there isn’t an intenseness or need to manage your relationships. You throw messages or calls of love and support , you touch base , you are there for them. But it’s what I call a secure, low maintenance thing.
This also for me has rolled over in to my thoughts towards society too.
We are exceptionally quick to have an opinion on everything. Opinions are a big thing for us humans. We throw judgements and opinions around willy-nilly.
We have opinions on people, how they live, what they do. We even give opinions and judgements on people that we don’t even know.
I have also come to find that we aren’t very good at disagreeing with others either. If our opinions or beliefs differ it causes quite the situation. Now, I’m not talking about the big stuff. Starvation and poverty in third world countries, Wars, those are things that I believe are important to fight against and have opinions on.
But the small stuff?
Other people and how they choose to live their lives?....if it’s not impacting you or the world in any way why on earth do we need to have an opinion? Why do we need to discuss or have a judgement on it? We don’t. It’s a complete waste of brain space and energy.
Imagine if we didn’t waste our time reading about other people and how they are living their lives. Imagine if we didn’t create an opinion on someone purely through images we saw on our screens.
Imagine if we just got on with our own lives and tried to think positive thoughts of gratitude and love for what we have and what we are doing.
Imagine if when we found ourselves viewing or thinking differently to someone else we gave space for that, we sat back and instead of feeling we needed to argue our point or condemn them for their beliefs we said, “that’s a different view to how I think…how interesting”.
Ok so I simplify things somewhat. There are situations in the world where we do have to stand up for what is “right”. Yet, there is a balance in all this.
We assume we know or understand what someone is going through because we have been through a similar situation. We assume we know how someone is feeling.
The truth is we actually don’t. We all think, feel and process differently, which is a beautiful thing. But we aren’t respectful of that. We don’t give space for that any more it seems.
We don’t have the right to have an opinion on someone else’s truth and quite frankly its absolutely none of our business. We should all be getting on with our own lives and working on ourselves.
We should be more conscious about what we are giving attention to in this world. What you give attention to you give Energy to.
For me I have come to realise I just don’t have the capacity for it. Which on some level might be seen as “Selfish”, but without tooting my own horn, I’d say it’s a positive form of selfish.
I don’t have the emotional space, I don’t have the capacity to give energy to anything that isn’t creating either positive thoughts, gratitude, love, growth or healing.
This is sounding all exceptionally over simplified, shall I add some unicorns and glitter rainbows in there to really irritate everyone?
It is definitely a process for me, I swing back and forth. Some days I keep myself to myself and get on with my life. Other days? I get super angry with a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with me and has no need for my energy or time. I Suppose it all comes down to breaking patterns.
But what I have noticed is that when I give attention and my thoughts to situations outside of my life or my control it impacts how I am in my “world” and not in a good way. I’m less present in the moment, I’m distracted in my thoughts , I project that irritation and negativity on to my close ones. How unnecessary that is!
To be present , to be free of un-needed opinions or judgements on things that don’t impact you, what a peaceful place our minds would be.
It’s a practice. It will always be a process and practice. But it’s definitely one I want to continue.